This application note shows how DEWESoft® products provide an effective and flexible solution for a quick validation and measurement of ISO Lane-change test (ISO 3888). The mobile measurement instruments and the easy-to-setup software are used for checking and visualisation of measured parameters to guide the driver through the measurement and check the results online.

Our client, a car manufacturer in Italy, asked us for help with shortening the time of testing and improving the quality of results for dynamic vehicle maneuvers. This includes online check of results and gives direct feedback to driver whether the test was successful or they have to repeat it.
This includes the double lane-change maneuver, which is used worldwide to evaluate handling and safety of vehicles and their key components. Although various parameters are being checked by the testing engineer, for the driver it is crucial to be able to check the test results online and see whether the vehicle passed or failed the test.
A test with a pure GNSS device and combination of GNSS with AHRS has been performed, to compare results.
- DEWE-43
- DS-IMU2 (inertial measurement unit) with RTK 1 cm accuracy
- DS-RTK-BASE (GPS based unit) to provide RTK accuracy for vehicle
- Polygon
- Special Lane change setup

Polygon objects (fixed and moving cones) were set up according to the ISO 3888 standard. The advantage of using moving cones is that the driver can quickly change the car and enter the vehicle's length/width. With those parameter, the configuration of maneuver is changed according to the standard (width of the track, etc).
Several additional calculations have been added to evaluate different parameters (e.g. velocity, roll) versus distance on the track, which is shown in the results.

Having certain lines as the Start and Stop trigger, it is possible to reduce file size and capture only points of interest.
The measurement screen combined with analysis for online checking. The display below is included in a Lane Change setup. It includes online validation of the data so the driver has direct feedback as to whether test has been passed or failed. This data is located on top left side of the screen. The 2D display shows a graph of velocity during the track run (Velocity/PosX on the track). It is possible to display a graph of PosY/PosX at the same time to see the lane change maneuver.

In addition, measured the vehicle CAN to understand RPM, steering angle and other vital analysis parameters.
The measurement with DS-IMU2 with 1 cm RTK upgrade has shown a very accurate position (centimeter level) and 3-axis velocity results. Going beyond its practical usage as a standard regulation, this measurement has applications also for research and development, where additional parameters as Roll, Angular velocity in Z-axis and Ay for evaluation of vehicle handling are needed.
For further information on this application in Australia & New Zealand, please contact Metromatics on +61 7 3868 4255 or
For outside this area, please contact DEWESoft on
After teaching the drivers and performing several tests, with different cars and times of testing, overall measurement time required has been reduced by at least 30%, which is a great improvement.
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